It happens to all of us. We are driving from work or to the store, when we see a yard sale. You see a painting that just has to be a Renoir, so you stop. Can it be? Yes it is; and priced right at $100! The value would have to be 1000 times that. Then you notice the Seymour card table, and the vintage Beatle Albums. Your heart is pounding when you pick up a first edition, The Old Man and the Sea, signed by Hemingway himself. $25.00? Are you kidding? If this happens to you regularly, you need some place safe and secure to keep your treasures while you locate buyers. It’s a good thing our units are climate controlled, especially for the Seymour card table. You bought it for $500; it is worth $400,000. A score this big probably doesn’t happen for you very often, if ever. But if you are like most of us, every day you come upon a great deal on something. So when you come upon somebody selling 50 football jerseys for $100, you buy them all. It is more than you need, but you have friends and family who would definitely want an authentic replica of Mike Wallace’s jersey. Besides, you could probably sell them for $25.00 each or more. And since you can store them in your Miami Gardens Storage Unit, nobody complains at home about the boxes stacked in the front room. The Business Advantage of a Storage Unit When you have a storage unit, you have a place to keep every opportunity that comes your way. We aren’t talking about the deals you get at Costco either. Maybe you have a good eye for collectibles. You know what collectors want and what they are willing to pay. You have a sterling reputation on eBay, so if you put it up for sale, collectors pay attention. Any time you come across a good deal, you take it to your storage unit. All your spouse sees is the extra money you bring home and the nice gifts every now and then. Because you are the only one in your family that is well organized, your storage unit allows you to keep things straight without others messing things up. Most everything is arranged on shelves, labeled with the date they went up for auction and their reference numbers for when you make a sale. You used to run you little eBay auction enterprise out of a climate controlled 5’ X 5’ unit but you have since moved up to a 10’ X 10’ unit. Your rent is a small price to pay for the freedom your storage unit offers you. It isn’t easy making a living these days. If you are working a full-time job, you may still need a home business to make ends meet. A storage unit is ideal to make room in your home for your business or to store your promotion materials or other items. It is your own small warehouse for your soon-to-be big business.