Running a business requires an accounting department that knows how to keep an eye on the money and the inventory. They must also keep a finger on the pulse of cash flow. Expenditures and investments are made according to a precise plan. Sometimes that requires keeping items on the books just to make them look good. You may have $10,000 worth of screws that you will never use. You can eventually toss them and write off the loss, but not until next year. For right now, your company is worth more since you keep these and hundreds of other items on your books. But where do you keep all of the inventory you may never use? Here are a few ways a storage unit in Vernon can help. Obsolete Items Just when you thought they couldn't improve upon widget #2467, they do; it works better and it’s cheaper. When you switched over, you had 3.5 boxes of widget #2467 left over or 17,500 widgets. Three and a half boxes in the warehouse are such a bother. Either they would get lost or someone would toss them. Best put them in storage until accounting can figure out what to do with them. Other, larger items, can also be stored until such time that you either recycle them or toss them and write off the loss. Again, you don't want to do that until accounting says you can. Small-parts Inventory Big warehouses are great for storing large items but smaller items can get lost underfoot. And if you need extra room for a large shipment going out, what gets moved; the small parts? Now where did you put them last week? Small parts need a small, dedicated warehouse. They may be small but they are still expensive. You can’t afford to have them loose in the warehouse. That specialty screw? It costs $6.00. Keep it safe in your small parts warehouse with us. It’s easy to organize a small-parts inventory in your storage unit, especially if you use heavy-duty shelves. Just label them and create a system for items in and items out and you will be fine. Overstock Your warehouse is just the right size—so you thought. Then you have a few orders delayed or cancelled; or maybe production got busy and outdid themselves. Now you have more of item #35 than you can in your warehouse. And you have enough to last for 6 months. Now what? Rather than have these items get lost in your ever-moving warehouse, why not store them in their own space? Your storage unit can act as overflow space without having to rent or buy a giant warehouse. It only makes sense. Paperwork Even though we live in the digital age, business still generates a lot of paperwork. And you don't want to toss it too soon. Your storage unit is a great place to keep your file boxes full of paperwork. Arrange them on shelves for easy access. Of course, only accounting will have access; so you can rest assured your paperwork will be just as you left it. Bottom line, your Vernon self storage unit can keep you organized and save you money.