The crunch to get moving when you have little time to get to a new place might cause some issues in packing and storing items. When you go back to your self storage unit, you may find that boxes were crushed, books pages have dried out, mold or insects invaded linens, or cleaning supplies that have gone horribly wrong because of the way they were packed or placed into the unit. Learn how to deal with these issues so you don’t have to throw away items you love and how to repack these things so the same issues aren’t repeated. Check Your Stacks The first thing to do when planning for your self storage is to stack boxes from heaviest to lightest. You don’t want to go back to your storage unit and find that your wedding china was crushed by your photo albums, dealing with the heartache that comes with having to put those pieces back together. It’s a common mistake, especially when pressed for time and one that is easily avoided. People often stack larger boxes on the bottom to save space but usually heavier items are stored in smaller boxes to make them easier to carry. Instead of stacking smaller heavier boxes of books or breakables on top of larger boxes of linens that will be crushed in your storage unit, stack small and heavy boxes in one space and larger, lighter boxes in another. Label Clearly Another way to ensure that items aren’t crushed and are stacked properly is to make sure that everything is labeled clearly. This goes beyond simply writing the description of the item on the top of the box. Add this description to the sides of the box as well along with details like “fragile” or “breakables” on the things that need to be handled with care. Have some fun with it too with color coding, stickers, and easy to notice flair so you’ll be able to find and store things in a snap. Seal It Up Protect your clothing linens and make room for more in each box with vacuum seal bags. By taking all the air out of the bags and sealing them before putting them into a box, you’ll be keeping other things out like insects, dust, or anything else that could damage these porous items. When you go to find them in your storage unit, you’ll be able to use them right away. Draw a Map Before you store anything, draw up a plan detailing how it will go into your storage unit. You’ll be able to fit more into the unit and find everything faster when you need it just by looking at the map you drew. Use fun colors to code specific areas, show where breakables and other items with specific needs will go, and to make sure everything stays in the pristine condition it is in as soon as you seal the box. Call to reserve your storage unit today! American Mini Storage 6380 Annie Oakley Drive Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 803-1520