Tips To Get The Job Done When You No Longer Need To Store Your Stuff Whether you’re finally ready to sell some old items or moving into a bigger place that can accommodate all your things, the day will come when you need to clean out your storage unit. Here are several tips to help you with the task for your self-storage in Memphis. Make A Plan Trying to tackle the contents of an entire storage unit in one day can be totally overwhelming. However, if you make a plan and can stick with it, the experience can be much more bearable. If there are items you’re having a hard time letting go of – but need to – try to approach the situation in a positive light. Maybe some old family heirlooms or clothing you no longer wear can be donated to charity. Imagine how much use someone will get out of items that have been stored away! To stick to your plan, open boxes and make an inventory of the items you have. You’ll find knowing what you have will make it easier to know what you want to do next. You can divide these items up into categories like recyclables, things you want to sell, donate, or keep. Make A Deadline – Or Several – That Can Break Up The Project. If you have more than one day available to you to clean out your unit, use it to your advantage. Working on a project bit by bit is much more manageable than doing it all at once and will reduce your exhaustion and anxiety. Take Care Of Yourself While You Take Care Of Your Unit Working by yourself can be lonely. If you can, try to enlist the help of a family or friend who can help you sort through the items you have. No matter what time of year you’re working at, make sure that you’re feeding and hydrating yourself at regular intervals. You’ll think more clearly about what you’re doing and have more energy to tackle the job. For more tips on storage or for information about self-storage in Memphis, contact US Storage Centers today. US Storage Centers 3545 Hickory Hill Road Memphis, TN 38115 (901) 310-1721