Appointments, to do's, playdates, chores, game schedules for the kids maybe — life is a balancing act. You have a lot on your plate to manage, and like most of us, it will probably be helpful to have some help. In a world of technology, what better way to manage your life, than with the help of applications? Fortunately, there are so many apps out there for all sorts of organizing needs, and here are some of our picks: If you have children, and you're constantly faced with having to "convince"them to clean their rooms, put their laundry away, or take out the trash, you can check out iRewardChart. This award-winning app "motivates" (or better said - incentivises) children to complete their chores, by giving them custom rewards, like "one hour of television" or "$5.00 allowance money." As the chores get checked off the list, you can track their progress individually. Doesn't it seem like everything requires a password nowadays? Of course... it's for our safety! But if we place the attention on our safety and want to do it right, it means that we need different passwords for each device, site or application that requires a log in. We can't reuse our pet's name over and over again or simply type "password", because that's not cutting it. For your safety, you need a strong encryption. But as the encryption gets stronger, so does the password gets more complicated. LastPass, is a free app with premium options, that stores all your passwords in one place. The storage space itself is password-protected, which means that you only need to remember one master password to access LastPass. The app works everywhere, even across web browsers. It can automatically sync between iPhone, Android, Windows and Blackberry smartphones, Mac, Windows and Linux computers, and Firefox, Explorer, Safari, and Chrome browsers. 3. AboutOne goes beyond organizing your family calendar. It also shares pictures, notes and videos, saves important documents like: receipts, applications and medical information, and you can be manage everything from your mobile device. The basic service is free and it comes with 1GB of document storage. 4. Has this ever happened to you? You neatly and carefully write a grocery list before heading out to the store and yet still forget to pick up something? If you're like us, the Grocery IQ app will help make sure you never forget the TP again. Enter the items as you need them, and use their database (which contains millions of products) to build lists quickly. You can add notes about quantity and prices too. This app also categorizes your grocery lists by store aisle, so you'll never roam around aimlessly, looking for an elusive item. The app also features a coupon book that updates regularly, allowing you to print coupons at home or add them to a store loyalty card. 5. If you have animals, you know that keeping on top of feeding, grooming and medical care, requires organization. Pet Master Pro will help keep you organized with easy tracking features for medications, vaccinations, insurance and even microchip information, which is a valuable asset in an emergency situation. In addition, you can manage appointments with the groomer or dog walker. 'Like' us on Facebook for more! Always looking for ways to help you organize, US Storage Centers.