Could you actually earn additional income while doing what you love the most? Many people who are already making money by focusing on the things that they are passionate about could provide an affirmative answer to this question. If you have multiple talents that you would feel comfortable tapping into, don’t stick to just one avenue that you could explore to obtain a nice profit. Here are 5 different types of products that you could turn into a source of income inside the Baltimore storage unit that you’re renting. Books/eBooks. Maybe you can’t take pride in out-of-this-world handcrafting skills that you could put to good use to start your own business. Even so, perhaps you have other extraordinary capabilities that you could profit from to make more than a few dollars while also helping other community members. For example, if you have aptitudes for a certain musical instrument, you could use your storage unit to organize workshops. Tutoring work and teaching always pay off, especially if you work in partnership with community art centers to attract students and market your classes in the best way. As an alternative to traditional tutoring, you could work on an eBook or write a book to share your knowledge with a larger audience. Furniture. In case you have above average DIY skills and love spending time inside your storage unit turned into a perfectly organized woodworking shop, start earning additional income by designing custom-made wood furniture. If you don’t want to build new pieces from scratch, consider restoring vintage furniture that you could buy at flea markets and deposit inside your Baltimore storage unit. Antiques. Many people see their vintage market finds as a pot of gold that they could safely stash inside a modern storage room. You could follow the same approach to become a successful art dealer/collector. In this case, you would just have to attend estate sales and yard sales and visit vintage markets regularly to get your hands on furniture, decorations, toys and other high-ticket items that are highly collectible. Art. Did you know that you could also turn any storage unit provided by US Storage Centers into an elegant studio where you could exhibit and sell your latest masterpieces? Consider exploring this option if you paint, sculpt or produce any other form of art that you could commercialize in today’s market. Apparel and Accessories. At first, maybe you’d be inclined to start making your own clothes and accessories to make a little bit of money and turn your unique design and styling concepts into reality. In the long run, this idea could become the foundation of a solid business plan that you could implement to sell your creations for top dollar. To minimize your expenses during this exciting journey, rent self storage and turn this extra space into a well-organized atelier where you could sketch, choose fabrics, and work on your designs at your best convenience. Don’t compromise the beauty and spaciousness of your home while pursuing a new idea on how to make money in your spare time. Instead, gather all your tools and equipment and keep them in one of the well-appointed storage units in Baltimore brought to you by US Storage Centers. US Storage Centers 5117 Belair Road Baltimore, MD 21206 (410) 929-2939