There are hobbies and then there are hobbies. Fantasy football might be considered a hobby. People certainly can put a lot of time and energy in playing armchair team owner. It is fun and sometimes profitable and doesn’t require coming up with a billion dollars to buy a real team. Fantasy football also doesn’t take up a lot of space in your home. Some hobbyists might sneer at this point and even declare that fantasy football isn’t a real hobby because you have nothing to show for it at the end. At US Storage Centers, we don’t want to get in the middle of that argument but in deference to what we do best, we are here for the hobbyists that need raw materials, supplies, tools, and a place to keep their finished items. Yes, our hobbyists make things. The Need For Space When you started your hobby, it was easy to find a corner of your home or garage to keep everything. You had your tools and material together and your finished products were small yet excited you enough to continue. Hobbies have a tendency to grow into obsessions and maybe even addictions. However, it is rude to say that because a true hobbyist is a creator, an artist, a philanthropist, and a businessperson all in one. It just looks excessive to the untrained eye. When your hobby hits critical mass, it could turn your home upside down. That doesn’t work out well for the rest of your family though and they will want you to do something about it. We can help the uber-hobbyist coexist with the rest of the people in his or her life by offering them a convenient place to keep their hobby from overrunning their home. Raw Materials Let’s say you love to work with wood. You create various useful objects with a few power tools, a lot of sanding, and various oil or lacquer finishes. Every good woodworker wants to work with a palette beyond oak, pine, and alder. Woods from around the world help you create stunning pieces that make perfect gifts. You make a good side living off your hobby. Exotic wood doesn’t grow on trees though—OK it does; but these trees are on the other side of the world. When you bring in a shipment of wood from Bangkok, you bring in enough to last for a while. You have 25 – 30 exotic woods you like to work with. Keeping your wood in your storage unit keeps it safe and secure. The same applies to your fashionista daughter who started designing and producing elegant prom gowns as a hobby that has turned into a budding career. Until she moves into her own studio, you let her store all of her material on special shelves in your storage unit. Her last shipment of material from Nigeria alone could have filled your dining room, so it is a good thing you have your storage unit. No matter your hobby, if you are serious about it, you will need room to keep everything from your raw materials to your tools. Pretty soon you'll consider your Peoria storage unit as your hobby central. And, by the way, we don’t have a fantasy football team; the Cardinals are for real.